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Welcome to the fertile universe of human relationships, where emotions take flight and connections are forged artfully.

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After my separation I felt guilty and lost.

I made an appointment with Stéphanie because I wanted to learn to recognize my emotions, manage them, but also learn to communicate more calmly and with kindness.

Today I can say that the goal has been achieved, I feel more serene, more empathetic, I have a better understanding of past events. 

I appreciated Stéphanie's attentiveness and kindness, her friendly and relaxed side while being professional, I felt confident.

I recommend this coaching follow-up to friends and acquaintances in the same situation, and to all those who wish to deepen their knowledge of themselves.



It is high time to free yourself from suffering, ruminations and your fears.   Transform your difficulties into an opportunity to know yourself better and change your relationship with yourself, with others and with life  !

Are you curious and want to know more about coaching?

Book a 15-minute call to talk about it! 

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Understand your relationship patterns and create balanced relationships

Your relationships worry you, whether with your spouse, your children, your family or even your friends.

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Benevolent Separation ®

You long for an amicable divorce but emotions are holding you back. overwhelm and you feel lost.

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Pains and aches.
Free yourself with the Code of Emotions®

Identify and transform emotional blockages to regain balance and well-being


“If we know how to understand before condemning, we will be on the path to the humanization of human relations”

Edgar Morin 

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Who am I ?

Portrait of Stéphanie Grivet wearing a red T-shirt reading “Good idea”

The quality of our existence depends on our relationships, relationships with ourselves, relationships with others and with life!  


My goal is to help people like you,  to create the life you desire deep within yourself,  whether in your romantic, friendly, family relationships, or during a separation.  For 5 years I have been supporting men and women who want  evolve, change, improve! 


After several years of training in coaching and therapy, I became certified in the Benevolent Separation® or Conscious Uncoupling® method which has proven itself in the United States and which I offer exclusively in French-speaking countries.

Following this specialization, I followed various training courses in areas supporting separations such as toxic relationships, neuroscience, collaborative law and child-oriented divorce.


I also organize workshops, conferences and discussion groups.

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Contact me

Lausanne -Vevey et sur Zoom    |    +41 79 606 39 55

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Merci pour votre envoi !

©2022  Benevolent separation  |  Designed by Carole Stefek

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